
Friday 11 March 2011

Spiral Flower Tutorial

Good Morning,
I love it when you make projects using my tutorials but please be sure to link back here and give credit when you make and post to your blog.
Thank-you for your understanding and I hope you enjoy this tutorial xx
I have a had a couple of requests for a tutorial to make these little flowers as shown on THIS CARD so, as requested, here it is!
It is really very simple but with just a couple of little helpful hints along the way ;-)

Supplies needed are here. Just a couple of points here; I used both sizes of punched circles on the card above but for this tutorial I have used the 1+3/8", you can of course use either or both sizes. Also I would highly recommend using Tombow Glue as it dries quickly and very firmly, much faster than ordinary PVA, which is a real bonus! more on that later...
Next you need to cut a very basic spiral as shown, Top Tip here is don't be tempted to make a really narrow spiral, it is too hard to roll and hold and also make your flowers too flat,
Next, start rolling from the outside point,
Add a large dollop of glue to the flatish piece at the bottom,
Now, HOLD, for a good while ;-) perhaps 2 or 3 mins so the middle sticks well to the bottom. If you read yesterday's post this is why it took me far longer than it should have as I was making a few of these I kept letting go too early and they would spring up when I looked away! he he!
So, once the centre is stuck I would recommend leaving them sat under something heavy (like a punch) for a few more minutes, they are very sturdy so won't buckle under the weight, don't worry,
And that's it!
Of course you can always add the little Platinum shimmer paint to the rose to finish using a sponge dauber, Tip I get my paint from out the lid once I shake the bottle,
 All supplies used here are Stampin' Up!
If you would like to order anything or you wold like me to come and demonstrate this technique (or any other) to you and your friends then please email me for details.
I hope you have enjoyed today's tutorial and many thanks to you all for stopping by today,
Stampin Hugs,


  1. Fabby tut Sarah-Jane and your card is breathtaking!

  2. Your tutorials are excellent, thanks for posting them. Anna xx

  3. Oh so that's how you do it. I started rolling mine from the middle first which is probably why it didn't look quite like yours. lol. Thanks for the tut.

  4. What a lovely idea, I have to make a wedding card soon and was feeling very uninspired so this is such a lovely idea to stumble across on this cloudy wednesday afternoon. Thank you x

  5. who knew something so beautiful would be so simple to create!
    Thanks for sharing Sarah-Jane!
    Kelly xx

  6. This is gorgeous!! Your blog is so beautiful - my eyes don't know where to look next - absolutely lovely style!

  7. So pretty, Sarah-Jane. Thanks for sharing! Cath xx


Thank-You for any comments you may leave, I appreciate the time it takes to do so and I love to read them all :)