
Tuesday 10 January 2012

Jems Team Swap

Hello there,
I just realised I didn't share the swaps I made for the rest of the Jem's team when we went to convention!
I managed to get hold of some cute tart tins, I would have loved vintage ones but unfortunately they are very hard to come by in large numbers (18, I think it was) Well, I say that but I did leave it 'till a few weeks before I went to decide what I wanted to make! If I had decided sooner I am sure I could have collected enough ;-)
Anyway, I started with just plain old tins and finished with this...
 To make this "aged" look on your tin simply sponge the tin with Whisper White Craft ink and then sponge over the top of that with Soft Suede ink. I then left the tins to dry for 2 days (!) Unfortunately they did NOT dry so my hubby has matt varnish in a spray can so he very helpfully coated them with it for me :-)
 in the bottom of the tins I used the XL oval to punch a Soft Suede layer of card and the same with Newsprint DSP which I scrunched up and then swiped with an ink pad to highlight, Stamping, Antique brad, crotchet trim, linen thread and scallop edge border punch were all used to pretty up the centre.
 and here it is on my fridge, I added a magnet to the back :-)
Well, that's all for today.
I hope you have enjoyed and if you have a go then don't forget to share your creation, I would love to see :-D
Stampin' Hugs for today,


  1. Oh what a FABULOUS project - I love it Sarah Jane. I've been eyeing up tart tins myself and you are so clever to age them yourself. I'm wondering whether spraying a bit of oil on them and baking them in a hot oven might work..... I may have to try that. They'd make lovely Easter gifts filled with something homemade or chocolatey!

  2. This is so amazing! I love vintage things, especially if they came from the kitchen!! Love how you prettied the centers and thanks for the tip about spray varnishing!!

  3. WOW this is one GREAT and BEAUTIFUL project SJ!!!!


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