
Monday 3 August 2009

Ambers card

Hello again,
I hope the weather is holding out for you in the U.K.
I have the card I made for my sister for her birthday which is actually on 6th August but as we are away then she will have had it already, before we went. I made it the same shape as the cupcake one from my class. I find when I make one card I remember how much I like them and tend to make 2 or 3 the same.

Regal Rose card base, Sweet always papers, flower from the All in the Family Accessories, Sentiment from Occasional Greetings set,

I added spots of Glossy Accents to the umbrella and to the edges of her boots

Here is the fancy side view,

Thanks for looking and see you all soon,

Hugs Sarah-Jane xx


  1. This is really, really lovely Sarah, the colouring is gorgoues and I adore the little sweet flowers dotted about too.

    Have a great week,

    Emma x

  2. Lovely card S-J. Miss Anya and those papers - some of my favourite things. I love this style card, so effective and never fails to amaze the recipient.
    Hope you are having a great holiday, weather here is very changeable, quite nice today tho.
    Sam x

  3. I love the colours you used. Fab card!

  4. This is adorable, love the image, Great minds think a like, have a look at my blog for today if you get chance!!!!! Hugs Sarah B X

  5. Wowww Sarah-Jane,what beautiful,i love the image and colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  6. SOOO Cute SJ!!! Love this design and your coloring WOW!!!

  7. Wow! Fantastic card SJ. Hope you are having a great holiday. There is a little something on my blog for you. Hugs, Lainy xxx

  8. Another adorable card! I love the image and the colors.........soooo cute!


Thank-You for any comments you may leave, I appreciate the time it takes to do so and I love to read them all :)