
Monday 10 August 2009

Punch Cupcake

Hope you are all doing well.I have a card today using the punch cupcake we made at my Crazy for Cupcakes class a few weeks ago (although at the time of writing this it is tomorrow, how freaky is this, not to mention actually quite hard to do)
I made a couple of extra cupcakes when planning for the class and then joined them together with foam pads with some fine fishing wire between to make a suspension card,

Here it is open so you can see the cake movement, Pearls from stash,

and here is the inside

Papers used are Sweet Always (again!) stamps are from the Crazy for Cupcakes set, Scallop border, Tab and Scallop Circle punches used,

That's it for today, Thanks for popping by

Hugs Sarah-Jane xx


  1. Oooooh spooky - I am speeking from the future whoooooooo ! This is such fun and a different technique to use too - love it :D

    Have a great week x

  2. What a gorgeous card Sarah-Jane,i love the papers and colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  3. Adorable, love your cupcake!

  4. Oh my this is just too cute! I love the cupcake and the bg paper!


Thank-You for any comments you may leave, I appreciate the time it takes to do so and I love to read them all :)