Hello there,
I am running late with my blog post today I'm afraid! Apologies :-)
A couple of weeks ago my friend and fellow Jems team mate Jeannette moved house so I of course had to get into my craft room and make her a little card wishing her well :-D
and so this is what I came up with...
It is a pocket style card and as I made it I photographed the process so tomorrows post will be a little tutorial for this ;-)
Here it is out of the pocket
the eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed it actually is very similar to Laura's card she made for Jeannette, I can promise you we didn't know about each others card 'till I saw hers on her blog yesterday and she will see mine in a minute I'm sure! Funny how it goes ;-)
Anyway, enough waffle for one day, I am busy getting ready for my All Day Class and booking up workshops, message me if you would like me to come along and share some SU! ideas with you and your friends :-)
Stampin' Hugs for today