Sarah-Jane Rae cardsandacuppa: Stampin' Up! UK Order Online 24/7: Touches Of Texture Pair Of Cards.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Touches Of Texture Pair Of Cards.

I'm back from my holiday in Kos- yep, where the earthquake was! We were all completely unscathed as our hotel was a newer one but we visited Kos town and saw some damage to the older buildings and the port side there which was sad. We certainly didn't let it spoil our holiday had a really lovely time away together and would highly recommend Kos and especially the hotel we stayed in :-)
So, now we are home it's all go here. The roof is (finally) being fixed this week -hooray- but there is a gritty layer of dust all over the house, not so yay ;-)
Luckily I have had a lot to make in my craft room (which is, as yet, untouched) and I been on a crafty roll so have made loads of fun cards! These ones are some I made before I went away using the very lovely, but much underused by me, stamp set Touches of Texture.....
 This was in a Pink Pirouette colourway
 And this the Wisteria Wonder version.
We made these to send up to Manchester so they have a little bee on there which is also in this set.
 I love the lace border along the bottom edge.
Which colour do you like best?
Thanks so much for looking today, I'll be back tomorrow with another card :-)
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Stampin' Hugs,

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