Tuesday 9 August 2011

SNEAK PEEK!!! and a competion!

So, I keep talking about this NEW tutorial don't I?? Well, what I can tell you today is that it is a Christmas based tutorial... and there are 12, yes 12! separate tutorials/projects for you! So the competition, I am undecided on a title for all these fabby tutorials (12 days has been done, way too often)
So if you can think of a great name, or a bad one for that matter then please leave a comment at the end of this post, I cannot promise I will use any of these titles (LOL) but i do promise to give one lucky suggester a FREE copy of the 12 tutorials!!
I look forward to reading your fab ideas!!
and so onto the little sneak peeks yes??

 Right, that's your lot for today, I may have some more sneaks for you later this week ;-)
Thanks for stopping by today,
Stampin' Hugs,


  1. Hi Sarah-Jane, sounds intriguing. How about "12 Christmas presents". Naff I know lol! Hugs, Denise x

  2. this is a bad name suggestion for you:-
    ''...and a partridge in a pear tree''
    :) Charlie.x

  3. This sounds very interesting! Would love to win this one - How about "A Deal for a Dozen"


  4. Loved the sneak peek. What about the Dazzling Dozen or Christmas Delights.

  5. This maybe super cheesy but how about Cards and a cuppas crafty christmas coaching?

    I was trying to go for alliteration, but it was hard to come up with a word for projects or tutorials that began with 'C', coaching was all I could think of.
    Kelly xx

  6. not Christmassy, but came up with delightfully dotty, or dotty dozen


Thank-You for any comments you may leave, I appreciate the time it takes to do so and I love to read them all :)

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